My Worst Stream EVER...

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • The Infamous 9/19 Incident...
    Follow my Twitch : / zy0xxx
    Join my Discord : / discord
    Twitter : / zy0x_
    edited by Sui0x:
    / @sui0x
    feedback appreciated, enjoy!
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 567

  • @Zy0x
    @Zy0x  26 дней назад +1089

    at least we ended on a high note...

    • @nachist0tu456
      @nachist0tu456 26 дней назад +31


    • @sockseater
      @sockseater 26 дней назад +15

      can't be that high with 5.5 looming over the tacet field

    • @Kinich_Ma1n
      @Kinich_Ma1n 26 дней назад +16

      almost a whole year behind on vods IS CRAZYYYY

    • @vi58
      @vi58 26 дней назад +9

      laughs in 5.5

    • @chaeyyon
      @chaeyyon 26 дней назад +6

      its 5.5 lil bro

  • @hal6yon
    @hal6yon 26 дней назад +2305

    Video so benched it has a mizu5 reference

    • @naivedhyaparmar3947
      @naivedhyaparmar3947 26 дней назад +3

      What is that

    • @jaesthminie
      @jaesthminie 26 дней назад +22


    • @gl1tchy_glitcha879
      @gl1tchy_glitcha879 26 дней назад

      @@naivedhyaparmar3947project sekai event (i haven’t played in a while so i might be wrong)

    • @y0w0suke-yosk-87
      @y0w0suke-yosk-87 26 дней назад +80

      ​@naivedhyaparmar3947 the girl at 0:04 , it was a huge think for project sekai and it kind of spilled over to the whole internet lol

    • @bananahida-kunsanali
      @bananahida-kunsanali 26 дней назад +1


  • @yuzumonnade
    @yuzumonnade 26 дней назад +1136

    LMAO NOT THE MIZUKI IMAGE 😭 this truly was our zy0x5

    • @sui0x
      @sui0x 26 дней назад +76

      zy0x5 💀💀💀

    • @i_dont_exist_shh7387
      @i_dont_exist_shh7387 26 дней назад +66

      Student A: Do you also farm Vermillion every day??

    • @naru_amia_canon
      @naru_amia_canon 25 дней назад

      @@i_dont_exist_shh7387As aboba hears these words, he stumbles across the realisation: Zy0nix tends to farm vermillion every day.

    • @thatxianglingfr
      @thatxianglingfr 9 дней назад +6

      Zajj: Huh…?
      Zy0x: (Rooftop door opens) Oh…oh… (Cue image) (Flashbacks) (Running down the stairs noise)
      Zajj: WAIT! NICK!
      (Loud running)

  • @ogPunkcln
    @ogPunkcln 26 дней назад +825

    Only 5 months late. Still feels earlier than Mavuika drip marketing.

    • @kavehless
      @kavehless 26 дней назад +23

      5 months? mizu5

    • @Yukii-q4o
      @Yukii-q4o 25 дней назад +8

      5? As in mizu5 /j

    • @Red_bunnyy
      @Red_bunnyy 21 день назад

      imagine if Mavuika will be in the standard wish imstead of Mizuki 😂

  • @akomin6588
    @akomin6588 26 дней назад +282

    anyone else hear that ominous bell tolling????🤣🤣🤣 no?? just me??????😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @corners4367
    @corners4367 26 дней назад +239

    Most normal and sanest Zy0x incident ICANT

  • @sui0x
    @sui0x 27 дней назад +836

    "Raw raw raw or whatever lady Gaga said" - comment i saw on a zy0x thirst trap 😭
    hey friends!!! i'm pretyping the yapping for this video since i'll probably be in the Philippines by the time this video comes out (well, if i think optimistically, at least.)
    edit: ..........................................................
    2nd edit: here's a list of things i've done while waiting for this video (as of 27th Feb):
    - made the ryuk1 collab
    - posted the ryuk1 collab
    - went to the Philippines
    - came back from the Philippines
    - started the ryuk1 collab zy0x reaction video (which is probably benched atp since someone already made one)
    - worked a little on the zy0x iceberg (why are three pages dedicated to the moan comp-)
    - my second semester started
    - redownloaded wuwa (Concerned)
    - played project sekai for the first time (felt i needed to experience mizu5 for myself so i wouldn't be a tourist 💀 )
    - caught up to 25-ji's story up to ena5 (Aware)
    - started playing zzz (Concerned x2)
    - kana5 got announced (MY GOAT)
    and bro still hasn't uploaded the video 💀
    3rd edit: also, i edited this thinking this was gonna be a 2nd channel video, and nick ended up making it main channel??? so the editing will be lighter but there's probably gonna be like 5 more EM jokes that youtube frogs won't understand so i'm sorry in advance 😭
    here's a video i tactically stalled editing so y'all would forget mirai's kinich video (fun fact: i didn't even realise we edited the engulfing lightning pull the same way until i watched his video again, HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN 💀💀💀)
    anyways, in case it's still the holiday season, happy holidays!
    edit: happy valentines?
    edit (delete if necessary): happy Easter!
    and now, it's time for the ta imestamps. 💥💥💥:
    0:00 intro
    0:40 part 1: OMG I'M PULLING
    17:57 part 2(uh): Vermillion Anemo Goblet
    oh yea my pjsk GLB ID is 572103840128663557, feel free to backseat me in the replies

    • @Zy0x
      @Zy0x  26 дней назад +413

      bro is yapping 💀

    • @alena_edits1268
      @alena_edits1268 26 дней назад +22

      How is it 12 hr ago

    • @GlazingStars
      @GlazingStars 26 дней назад +58

      Bro was here before all of us

    • @flarephoenix7434
      @flarephoenix7434 26 дней назад

      @@Zy0xhi mr socks

    • @impacz0127
      @impacz0127 26 дней назад +63

      ain't gonna read all that. but i trust you mhm

  • @borkbunns
    @borkbunns 26 дней назад +253

    Wait till Zy0x hears about the new artifact set that could replace all of his years on Vermillion 💀

    • @barnbey1490
      @barnbey1490 26 дней назад +47

      Aware he knows Susca

    • @zusikai
      @zusikai 25 дней назад +1

      He already knows

    • @traincore1955
      @traincore1955 25 дней назад

      He doesn't know and never will

  • @kavehless
    @kavehless 26 дней назад +293

    Every single mizuki mention because I let my hyperfixation consume me
    0:04 - mizu5 card + bells + bake no hana
    0:09 - bells
    0:58 - bells
    3:16 - bells
    4:29 - bells
    9:28 - bells + mizu5 card
    12:55 - not mizuki but pjsk ost
    17:33 - not mizuki but this was me after mizu5
    23:50 - mizu1 song!! idsmile!!!!!! YAY!!!!
    Akiyama Mizuki is a second year student at Kamiyama High School. They are the animator of the underground music circle 25-ji, Nightcord de., going by the alias "Amia".

    • @sui0x
      @sui0x 26 дней назад +59

      sanest mizuki fan 💀

    • @JustASillyLittleGuy_3111
      @JustASillyLittleGuy_3111 26 дней назад +13

      I love mizuki

    • @kavehless
      @kavehless 26 дней назад +5

      @@JustASillyLittleGuy_3111 YESS BASED

    • @Ronicat_4
      @Ronicat_4 25 дней назад +3

      Thank you so much I have no words

    • @S1uii2-098
      @S1uii2-098 24 дня назад

      ​@@JustASillyLittleGuy_3111 which anime is that ?

  • @editoraesync
    @editoraesync 26 дней назад +231

    0:04 not the mizu5 reference 😭

    • @kagisakii
      @kagisakii 26 дней назад +9

      i actually choked on my pizza
      mizu5 jumpscare

    • @まゆみ-0
      @まゆみ-0 25 дней назад

      What's mizu5 reference

    • @yurisavedmylife
      @yurisavedmylife День назад

      ​@@まゆみ-0 Mizu5 is Akiyama Mizuki’s 5th event from the game Project Sekai. The image is her card from the same event and it became a very infamous image due to it being everywhere on X, as the event was hyped a lot by the fandom.

  • @bluejujuartz
    @bluejujuartz 26 дней назад +148


    • @Rydahhhhhh
      @Rydahhhhhh 26 дней назад +11


    • @shadelord11
      @shadelord11 26 дней назад

      I like rhythm games but that game is also a dating sim there is too much dialogus

    • @y0w0suke-yosk-87
      @y0w0suke-yosk-87 26 дней назад +5

      ​@shadelord11 DATING SIM?????? WHAT???? NO????? It's literally a rythem game with story not dating ??? Where did you get dating from?!?!?!? 😭😭😭😭

    • @shadelord11
      @shadelord11 25 дней назад

      @@y0w0suke-yosk-87 they spend a lot of effort on the characters design and the game has the same pattern of dating sims there's nothing wrong with that but i just wanna play the songs i like :v and the amount of dialogues... I remember i had to 300 mb or so just for half an hour of dialogues and like 2 minutes of gameplay thank god they made a skip button unlike another game that starts with the letter GENSHIN IMPACT

    • @shadelord11
      @shadelord11 25 дней назад

      @@y0w0suke-yosk-87 well anyways that's just my opinion i just think that game is not solely focused on rhythm gameplay

  • @MadamHertaFan69
    @MadamHertaFan69 26 дней назад +61


  • @RegularGuy101
    @RegularGuy101 26 дней назад +36

    Bro the tonal shift from his calm guide videos to this tomfoolery is amazing

  • @aryank8662
    @aryank8662 26 дней назад +53

    0:29 The foreshadowing of 8 years aware

  • @shotviii
    @shotviii 26 дней назад +57

    the whiplash I got going from the relaxing youtube voice to 15 different things happening on my screen at once

  • @Dani_727
    @Dani_727 26 дней назад +56

    0:05 NOT MIZU5😭

  • @Violetttt24
    @Violetttt24 26 дней назад +106

    The ancient wisdom of Anemo Goblet is but a distant dream that floats amidst the Vermillion clouds hereafter

    • @corners4367
      @corners4367 26 дней назад +5

      Dream so distant it’s lost, maybe we can find it in the lost valley…

    • @NobleLaika
      @NobleLaika 26 дней назад +3

      Hold up his writing is this fire 🔥🔥🔥

  • @keishabhadoria7126
    @keishabhadoria7126 26 дней назад +43

    trigger warning OPPA at 2:01

  • @quasant9742
    @quasant9742 26 дней назад +33

    0:05 9:29 23:50 mizuki from hit game project sekai mentioned in zyox vid ‼️

  • @safelist1288
    @safelist1288 25 дней назад +26

    Hey Mr. Socks I think your editor deserves a raise. Having to cut 5 or 7 hours of the yappathon is truly a gruesome task if I do say so myself. I think they would most appreciate it if something like $50 dollars per hour was given out. If you're reading this Mr. Socks editor may god bless your soul and let Moses part the watery waves of the tacet field hair. Hopefully through those parted waves, you can be lead to the fortune beyond your imagination which you truly deserve. Amen.

    • @sui0x
      @sui0x 25 дней назад +13

      thanks for the paid comment, will paypal you in a sec

    • @safelist1288
      @safelist1288 25 дней назад +4

      @sui0x AINTNOWAY

  • @jasey3963
    @jasey3963 26 дней назад +32

    Just put the Vermillion in the bag bro 😭

  • @Shekai_0
    @Shekai_0 26 дней назад +27

    An ode to lament
    Version 1.3, the introduction of Lantern Rite
    A new 5 star Anemo, an Invitation to Mundane Life
    Alatus , Vigilante Yaksha and Conquerer of Demons
    An Adeptus known as Xiao, who resides over the Geo Region
    At Wangshu Inn, call out his name and he might appear
    With a green polearm in hand, primordial jade winged spear
    Bane of all evil, he dawn's the mask of the Yaksha
    As of 5.4, top 1% Xiao on akasha
    2.6 gave us The Chasm And the Lost Valley Domain
    A new set for Xiao so Zyox couldn't complain
    No more 2 piece viridescent, no more 2 piece glad
    I was happy for my strimmer but things were about go downhill real bad
    No anemo goblets and only defense in sight
    Farming for Xiao was nothing short of a plight
    In the Lost Valley, the Vermilion Domain
    Endless suffering and endless pain
    4 years of dedication and 4 years vermilion enrichment
    Cheers to you Mr strimmer now that's commitment
    An ode to lament, an ode to lament
    Forgive for my sins for I do repent
    An ode to lament, an ode to lament
    How many days in vermilion have I spent...

    • @fremmie_
      @fremmie_ 26 дней назад +2

      This some good shit right here

  • @parfaitfaced
    @parfaitfaced 26 дней назад +16

    that mizu5 reference was crazy

  • @shironeko1134
    @shironeko1134 26 дней назад +4

    This is actually depressing holy shit. And what's worse is that weeks later when he actually got a decent onset anemo goblet, a new and better artifact set came out for Xiao god damn

  • @eliapinzari
    @eliapinzari 26 дней назад +10

    Props to the editor for making it mad entertaining throughout lol

  • @shawn7889
    @shawn7889 25 дней назад +3

    0:50 holy shit thats the best explanation of capturing radiance ive seen. Its always overly complicated when explained.

  • @everyone8620
    @everyone8620 26 дней назад +8

    8:46 Clean transition

  • @matt11903
    @matt11903 25 дней назад +5

    bro i subconsciously opened my mouth at how late this was when he said he was pulling for kinich

  • @darkentity906
    @darkentity906 26 дней назад +5

    Watching a zyox video and a zyox stream is two different experiences

  • @OneNonlyOfficial-w6v
    @OneNonlyOfficial-w6v 3 дня назад +1

    I love zyox editor bro 😂 this guy edit so friking well ❤

  • @MagicalGirl_Nova
    @MagicalGirl_Nova 24 дня назад +4

    only 5 seconds in and im getting jumpscared by mizu5 and ominous bells this is an insane crossover of my interests

  • @pavankasala3532
    @pavankasala3532 24 дня назад +6

    3:13 you got me here😂🤣🤣

  • @amelovescats13
    @amelovescats13 26 дней назад +21

    mizu5… does anyone else here the ominous bells tolling?? no? just me??🤣🤣😭

    • @kavehless
      @kavehless 26 дней назад +2

      no no im with you bro

  • @bratsjoah
    @bratsjoah 25 дней назад +2


  • @silhouette9699
    @silhouette9699 26 дней назад +47

    I just know that bro's not gonna like 5.5 artifacts

  • @Kaleiru
    @Kaleiru 25 дней назад +4

    video benched for so long, zy0x has even more incidents after this one 😭

  • @iivamo
    @iivamo 26 дней назад +4

    i remember watching that stream and actually crying in the end

  • @reeedss
    @reeedss 26 дней назад +4

    peak editing thank you sui0x 🙏

  • @Az-rv8gg
    @Az-rv8gg 25 дней назад +5

    2:42 neuron activation

  • @poltertronic4338
    @poltertronic4338 25 дней назад +7


  • @Apolly__
    @Apolly__ 24 дня назад +2

    0:05 the ominous bell tolling..

  • @Kitsubean
    @Kitsubean 18 дней назад +1

    The transition from Candace constellation to the wish was supreme. W editors.

  • @SDArthur0
    @SDArthur0 23 дня назад +2

    Stream Zy0x has breached containmemt

  • @aldryraihan
    @aldryraihan 26 дней назад +4

    yeah buddy, that vermillion farewell documentation will took like atleast 30 years looking at this

  • @小人物是快樂的
    @小人物是快樂的 25 дней назад +4


  • @HermanManly
    @HermanManly 22 дня назад +3

    *gets donated $1000+*
    "My worst stream ever"

  • @itsIia
    @itsIia 22 дня назад +4

    this guy's vermillion story is so bad u can't even laugh anymore 💀

  • @MaganiniEdu
    @MaganiniEdu 26 дней назад +2

    holy shit Sui0x. congratufuckinglations you are amazing. nice edit i loved this video

  • @KyzenEX
    @KyzenEX 26 дней назад +4

    1- He remembered his password
    2- Hearing him talking like a normal content creator is scary

  • @werenb3628
    @werenb3628 26 дней назад +15

    One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were lounging about in Mr. Gopher Wood's yard, we spotted a fledgling Charmony Dove all on its own. That baby bird was tiny, it didn't even have all of its feathers, and it couldn't sing. When we found it, it was already on its last breath, having fallen into a shrub - probably abandoned by its parents. We decided to build a nest for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter was unusually cold, with fierce winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many poisonous bugs and wild beasts in the vicinity... It was clear that if we left the fledgling in the yard, it stood no chance of surviving until spring. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the window, and asked the adults to fashion a cage for it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to spread its wings, we would release it back into the wild. The tragic part - something that we'd never considered - was that this bird's fate had already been determined long before this moment... Its destiny was determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power of choice to you all. Faced with this situation, what choice would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a nest with soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your answer.

  • @thomasmartin5563
    @thomasmartin5563 26 дней назад +6

    Oh my god bro. I’ve always wanted to ruin my life but now I can just vicariously accomplish my dreams through you!
    Pure entertainment, ty

  • @kinichist
    @kinichist 26 дней назад +6

    this might be the mizuki5 of genshin impact

  • @kakaomiii
    @kakaomiii 25 дней назад +2

    Bro I keep seeing myself in the chat I'm so cooked like how the editor cooked this video.

  • @cicloondo
    @cicloondo 25 дней назад +2

    these edits are actually legendary

  • @bleotter
    @bleotter 25 дней назад +3

    stream so cooked mizu5 is in the first 5 seconds

  • @feralfox5137
    @feralfox5137 26 дней назад +3

    8:47 WOAH THE TRANSISTION?!?!?!?!!

  • @impostorsyndrome1350
    @impostorsyndrome1350 24 дня назад +8

    Surely there isn't going to be a new set that's 5% better than Vermillion for Zy0x to farm, right?

  • @ellen_naga
    @ellen_naga 26 дней назад +2

    the tenten song when he got xiangling and dragon's bane made me smile

  • @yourmum9449
    @yourmum9449 25 дней назад +4


  • @poemsinthefog
    @poemsinthefog 24 дня назад +3


  • @miauuukssksk
    @miauuukssksk 24 дня назад +2

    i audibly gasped when i saw mizu5

  • @ryokami_needs_coffee
    @ryokami_needs_coffee 23 дня назад +1

    He was so busted he was hearing the minous bells..........

  • @InSaadable
    @InSaadable 26 дней назад +4

    "lose my sanity" like you had any left lmao

  • @GlutenPlayz
    @GlutenPlayz 3 дня назад +1

    he was using the unlucky shirt

  • @terrafimeira
    @terrafimeira 22 дня назад +2

    Remember kids: don't gamble.

  • @aegeus6796
    @aegeus6796 26 дней назад +3

    that was truly one of the most painful streams to watch Aware

  • @repoioxd2638
    @repoioxd2638 26 дней назад +5

    Bro and the funniest thing is that he finally managed to get a decent vermillion anemo goblet, and 3 days after a certain possible new set shows up behind the shadows that may or may not be true and may or may not be the new best set for Xiao 😂

  • @Monkie_Roxas
    @Monkie_Roxas 26 дней назад +4

    Zyox knowing about Mizuki from Project Sekai was not on my bingo card. I know what you are.

  • @yuckmcnd
    @yuckmcnd 25 дней назад +2

    anyone else hear that... ominous bell... tolling???

  • @langleyhi
    @langleyhi 25 дней назад +2

    That mizu5 reference no way

  • @DisastrousCake
    @DisastrousCake 11 дней назад +1

    actually goated editing

  • @sampam9870
    @sampam9870 24 дня назад +1

    bro is so polite in the thumbnail

  • @kimberly_36
    @kimberly_36 26 дней назад +7

    anybody else hear those ominous bells tolling ??????? 😂😂

  • @GlazingStars
    @GlazingStars 26 дней назад +14

    Bro u dont gotta force yourself to make the deep voice we get it💀

  • @minikyu.u
    @minikyu.u 25 дней назад +1

    holy shit thank you for finally posting this masterpiece

  • @ShadowOfNos
    @ShadowOfNos 26 дней назад +2

    took bro almost half a year. at least I can enjoy his suffering twice as I was there for the stream

  • @skirknsfw
    @skirknsfw 26 дней назад +7

    brother sep 19 2024 was 5 months ago

  • @anukihewavithana2427
    @anukihewavithana2427 26 дней назад +2

    NGL seeing chat being nice and asking if he was okay after the crafted goblet rolled shit was actually sweet 🥹

  • @zhongven69
    @zhongven69 23 дня назад +1

    Currently liking all the Mizuki related comments, this is wonderful

  • @Desdemonaii
    @Desdemonaii 26 дней назад +1

    witnessing the main channel get more and more unhinged is truly something

  • @breebiebreeb
    @breebiebreeb 26 дней назад +3

    Shoutout to the Rubia cover tbh 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

  • @yorukomitsui8654
    @yorukomitsui8654 26 дней назад +1

    Zy0x needs to feed his editor some cake in the basement. This is one of the best ones so far

  • @homureiv
    @homureiv 24 дня назад +3


  • @Laddle
    @Laddle 26 дней назад +3

    As someone who has never won a 50/50, this looked pretty normal to me Mr.Socks. I've been playing since 2.0

  • @apizzaduck9163
    @apizzaduck9163 24 дня назад +3

    does this imply the existence of mizu5 with zajef and zyox instead of ena and mizuki

  • @江建国-p9q
    @江建国-p9q 26 дней назад +1

    Sui0x my goat
    Edit: IDSMILE outro is so fire

  • @shenhe_best_girl5351
    @shenhe_best_girl5351 24 дня назад +1

    wake up zyox we have new xiao artifacts to farm next patch🗿

  • @yumiiii_en
    @yumiiii_en 25 дней назад +2

    RUBIA MENTIONED 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

  • @mr.unicum
    @mr.unicum 26 дней назад +3

    if you actually pull back and think about "i've been building this character for 4 years" it is... psychotic. I have been doing the same.

  • @Random_commenter_6h5d
    @Random_commenter_6h5d 26 дней назад +2

    This guy is so entertaining

  • @miffyied
    @miffyied 26 дней назад +3

    the whiplash i got when if i am with you played 😭 10:23

    • @unohanaenthusiast
      @unohanaenthusiast 26 дней назад +1

      she gomen on my amanai till my lightning is engulfed

  • @Shriyansh-r5t
    @Shriyansh-r5t 26 дней назад +5

    kudos to editor, man

  • @AnandakrishnanG
    @AnandakrishnanG 24 дня назад +1

    Lord of stall your 5 month old video is ready

  • @inokori7146
    @inokori7146 26 дней назад +3

    this is baby shit with everything that came afterwards

  • @saykee8228
    @saykee8228 26 дней назад +2

    Not the mizu5 jumpscare

  • @ash__sm
    @ash__sm 23 дня назад +2

    goated editor

  • @Zy0xArchives
    @Zy0xArchives 26 дней назад +4

    My Worst Stream EVER (So Far)

  • @fellknight
    @fellknight 26 дней назад +1

    shouldn't have thrown away the blue shirt mr socks

  • @ruru._.o
    @ruru._.o 23 дня назад

    7:30 *lois voice* "whoever you are. thank you"

  • @Power_Chan
    @Power_Chan 25 дней назад +3

    6:21 this skinny dude works out???